Scriptures for a Wedding

Scriptures for a Wedding

The Bible is full of beautiful and meaningful verses that can be used in a wedding ceremony. These verses can help to create a special and memorable occasion that celebrates the love and commitment of the couple.

When choosing scriptures for a wedding, it is important to consider the couple's personal beliefs and preferences. Some couples may want to choose verses that focus on the importance of love and marriage, while others may prefer verses that speak to the specific qualities of their relationship.

No matter what verses you choose, they can help to make your wedding ceremony a truly special and meaningful event.

Scriptures for a Wedding

The Bible is full of beautiful and meaningful verses that can be used in a wedding ceremony. These verses can help to create a special and memorable occasion that celebrates the love and commitment of the couple.

  • Love is patient
  • Love is kind
  • Love does not envy
  • Love does not boast
  • Love is not proud
  • Love does not dishonor others
  • Love is not self-seeking
  • Love is not easily angered

These are just a few of the many scriptures that can be used in a wedding ceremony. When choosing verses, it is important to consider the couple's personal beliefs and preferences.

Love is patient

In a marriage, there will be times when one or both spouses will be impatient with the other. This is normal. However, it is important to remember that love is patient. This means that we are willing to overlook the other person's faults and to forgive them when they wrong us.

Patience is a virtue that is essential for a healthy marriage. It allows us to weather the storms of life together and to grow closer as a couple.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:4 that "love is patient." This means that love is not easily angered or provoked. It is slow to react to negative situations and is always willing to give the other person a second chance.

Patience is a difficult virtue to practice, but it is essential for a happy and healthy marriage.

When we are patient with our spouse, we are showing them that we love them unconditionally. We are also creating a safe and loving environment in which our marriage can thrive.

Love is kind

Kindness is another essential virtue for a healthy marriage. It is the quality of being considerate, thoughtful, and helpful towards others. When we are kind to our spouse, we are showing them that we care about their well-being and that we want to make them happy.

  • Love is kind in words. We speak to our spouse with respect and gentleness, even when we disagree with them.
  • Love is kind in actions. We do things for our spouse that show them we care, such as making them breakfast or running errands for them.
  • Love is kind in thoughts. We think positive thoughts about our spouse and focus on their good qualities.
  • Love is kind in forgiveness. We forgive our spouse when they wrong us and do not hold grudges.

When we are kind to our spouse, we are creating a positive and loving environment in which our marriage can thrive.

Love does not envy

Envy is a destructive emotion that can damage a marriage. It is the feeling of resentment or discontent that arises when we compare ourselves to others and believe that they have something that we lack.

When we envy our spouse, we are focusing on their positive qualities and ignoring our own. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and resentment.

Love does not envy because it is secure. When we are secure in our love for our spouse, we do not need to compare ourselves to others. We know that we are loved and accepted for who we are.

If you find yourself feeling envious of your spouse, it is important to remember that this is a normal human emotion. However, it is important to not dwell on these feelings. Instead, focus on the positive qualities of your spouse and your relationship.

When we love without envy, we are creating a strong and healthy foundation for our marriage.

Love does not boast

Boasting is a form of pride that is often seen as arrogant and self-centered. It is the act of talking about oneself in a way that is intended to draw attention and admiration.

  • Love does not boast about its accomplishments. We do not need to constantly remind our spouse of all the things we have done for them or how much we have achieved.
  • Love does not boast about its possessions. We do not need to show off our material wealth or possessions to our spouse.
  • Love does not boast about its intelligence or abilities. We do not need to constantly tell our spouse how smart or talented we are.
  • Love does not boast about its appearance. We do not need to constantly remind our spouse how beautiful or handsome we are.

When we love without boasting, we are showing our spouse that we are secure in ourselves and that we do not need to seek validation from others.

Love is not proud

Pride is a destructive emotion that can damage a marriage. It is the feeling of superiority that we feel when we compare ourselves to others and believe that we are better than them.

  • Love is not proud of its accomplishments. We do not need to constantly remind our spouse of all the things we have done for them or how much we have achieved.
  • Love is not proud of its possessions. We do not need to show off our material wealth or possessions to our spouse.
  • Love is not proud of its intelligence or abilities. We do not need to constantly tell our spouse how smart or talented we are.
  • Love is not proud of its appearance. We do not need to constantly remind our spouse how beautiful or handsome we are.

When we love without pride, we are showing our spouse that we are secure in ourselves and that we do not need to seek validation from others.

Love does not dishonor others

Dishonor is the act of showing disrespect or contempt for someone. It can be done through words, actions, or even inaction.

  • Love does not dishonor our spouse in public. We do not say or do things that would embarrass or humiliate our spouse in front of others.
  • Love does not dishonor our spouse in private. We do not say or do things that would hurt our spouse's feelings or make them feel less valued.
  • Love does not dishonor our spouse by comparing them to others. We do not say or do things that would make our spouse feel inferior or inadequate.
  • Love does not dishonor our spouse by gossiping about them. We do not spread rumors or share personal information about our spouse with others.

When we love without dishonoring others, we are showing our spouse that we respect them and that we value our relationship.

Love is not self-seeking

Selfishness is the opposite of love. It is the act of putting our own needs and desires above the needs and desires of others.

When we are self-seeking in our marriage, we are focused on what we can get out of the relationship rather than what we can give. We are more concerned with our own happiness than with the happiness of our spouse.

Love is not self-seeking because it is selfless. When we love someone, we are willing to put their needs before our own. We are more concerned with their happiness than with our own.

If you find yourself being self-seeking in your marriage, it is important to remember that this is a normal human tendency. However, it is important to not dwell on these feelings. Instead, focus on the needs of your spouse and try to be more selfless in your actions.

When we love without being self-seeking, we are creating a strong and healthy foundation for our marriage.

Love is not easily angered

Anger is a normal human emotion. However, when we are easily angered, it can damage our relationships.

  • Love is not easily angered by our spouse's words. We do not take offense at everything our spouse says, even if it is said in a hurtful way.
  • Love is not easily angered by our spouse's actions. We do not get upset when our spouse does something that we do not like.
  • Love is not easily angered by our spouse's mistakes. We do not hold grudges against our spouse when they make a mistake.
  • Love is not easily angered by our spouse's personality. We do not get frustrated with our spouse because they are different from us.

When we love without being easily angered, we are creating a peaceful and harmonious environment in our marriage.


Here are some frequently asked questions about scriptures for a wedding:

Question 1: What are some popular scriptures for a wedding ceremony?
Answer 1: Some popular scriptures for a wedding ceremony include:

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (Love is patient, love is kind...) Ephesians 5:25-33 (Husbands, love your wives...) Song of Solomon 2:10-13 (I am my beloved's...) John 15:12-17 (This is my commandment...) Romans 12:9-18 (Let love be genuine...)

Question 2: How do I choose the right scriptures for my wedding ceremony?
Answer 2: When choosing scriptures for your wedding ceremony, consider the following factors:

The overall tone and theme of your wedding. The specific readings that are meaningful to you and your spouse. The length of the readings. The ability of the reader(s) to deliver the readings clearly and effectively.

Question 3: Who should read the scriptures at my wedding ceremony?
Answer 3: The scriptures at your wedding ceremony can be read by a family member, friend, or officiant. If you are having a religious ceremony, the officiant will typically read the scriptures. However, if you are having a non-religious ceremony, you can choose anyone you like to read the scriptures.

Question 4: Can I include non-biblical readings in my wedding ceremony?
Answer 4: Yes, you can include non-biblical readings in your wedding ceremony. However, it is important to choose readings that are consistent with the overall tone and theme of your wedding. Some popular non-biblical readings for wedding ceremonies include:

Love poems Sonnets Excepts from novels Quotes from famous people

Question 5: How long should the scripture readings be?
Answer 5: The scripture readings at your wedding ceremony should be long enough to be meaningful, but short enough to keep your guests engaged. A good rule of thumb is to keep the readings to around 2-3 minutes each.

Question 6: Can I have multiple scripture readings at my wedding ceremony?
Answer 6: Yes, you can have multiple scripture readings at your wedding ceremony. However, it is important to not have too many readings, as this can make the ceremony too long and tedious. A good rule of thumb is to have no more than 3-4 scripture readings.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about scriptures for a wedding. If you have any other questions, please feel free to consult with your officiant or a trusted family member or friend.

In addition to the frequently asked questions above, here are a few tips for choosing and using scriptures in your wedding ceremony:


Here are a few tips for choosing and using scriptures in your wedding ceremony:

Tip 1: Consider the overall tone and theme of your wedding. The scriptures you choose should be consistent with the overall tone and theme of your wedding. For example, if you are having a traditional wedding, you may want to choose scriptures that are more formal and traditional. If you are having a more casual wedding, you may want to choose scriptures that are more modern and personal.

Tip 2: Choose scriptures that are meaningful to you and your spouse. The scriptures you choose should be meaningful to you and your spouse. They should reflect your values and beliefs as a couple. If you are having a religious ceremony, you may want to choose scriptures from your faith tradition. However, you can also choose scriptures from other sources, such as literature, poetry, or philosophy.

Tip 3: Keep the readings short and sweet. The scripture readings at your wedding ceremony should be long enough to be meaningful, but short enough to keep your guests engaged. A good rule of thumb is to keep the readings to around 2-3 minutes each.

Tip 4: Practice reading the scriptures aloud. Once you have chosen your scriptures, it is important to practice reading them aloud. This will help you to ensure that you can read them clearly and effectively on your wedding day.

By following these tips, you can choose and use scriptures in your wedding ceremony that are meaningful, personal, and memorable.

The scriptures you choose for your wedding ceremony will play an important role in setting the tone and atmosphere of your special day. By carefully considering the tips above, you can choose scriptures that will be meaningful to you and your spouse and that will create a lasting memory for all who attend your wedding.


Scriptures can play an important role in a wedding ceremony. They can provide a sense of tradition and continuity, and they can also be a source of inspiration and guidance for the couple. When choosing scriptures for your wedding ceremony, it is important to consider the overall tone and theme of your wedding, as well as the specific readings that are meaningful to you and your spouse. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose scriptures that will create a lasting memory for all who attend your wedding.

The scriptures you choose for your wedding ceremony will be a reflection of your values and beliefs as a couple. They will also be a reminder of the special day when you and your spouse made a commitment to each other. As you journey through life together, these scriptures can be a source of strength and inspiration, reminding you of the love and commitment that brought you together.

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